mercoledì 25 maggio 2011

Kid football team coach arrested for paedophilia

Livio Volpi, a 41 years old man ex-coach of an amateur soccer team near San Siro, was arrested for the crime of paedophilia.
The investigations begun in the 2009, after he had began to lure five boys, all around 14 years old, after the training sessions.
With one of those he had had an intimate relationship for a short time; with the other ones Volpi had begun to exchange messages and videos with the webcam. "I'd like to do it live" and "Are you in your bedroom?", he was used to ask to the young boys.

As the rumours on the coach begun to spread, the kids told everything to their mothers, who  reported Livio Volpi to the police. In his computer were found  all the incriminated conversations and the text messages exchanged with the kids. 

When the agents went to his house, he said he didn't expect to be arrested.

By Volturno Caravaggio

46 commenti:

  1. Sick bastard, needs to be put down

  2. It was a smart move from children to tell their parents. I like that he is arrested now.

  3. Che stronzo...Interesting blog man, keep it going!

  4. he didn't expect to be arrested? What did he expect? A pack of wild young men in cop uniforms coming for an orgy?

  5. They have no place among the people. burn in hell motherfucker

  6. I hope he dies like that girl at end of SAW 3D

  7. I have absolutely no regard for people like him.

  8. I bet he likes the missionary position. Disgusting.

  9. I am glad they caught him! Also is it just me or does this guy kinda look like joe pesci?

  10. Everytime i hear of a person working with children, he turns out to be a pedophile..the world just sickens me..

  11. What a scum bag, using an authority position to commit crimes.

  12. Fuck this guy, i would like to punsh his nuts

  13. Hahaha! I would punch that guy nut so hard!!!
    Check mine site!

  14. That guy deserves to rot in a jail cell

  15. Things like that make me sick. But there are two mistakes in your post:

    1. Paedophilia is not a crime. It's a sexual orientation. Most paedophiles do not have sex with children because they know it's wrong. To pull an analogy: it's like saying a bank robber was arrested for liking money.

    2. If the boys were 14, it's not paedophilia, it's hebephilia. Paedophiles are attracted to prepubescent kids, hebephiles are attracted to kids who are in their puberty.

  16. A shame on the sport. Good to see these monsters exposed.

  17. @ The Guy
    Several news site report the fact as a "paedophilia crime" and the man as a "paedophile". It may not be the right term(and it isn't as you've pointed out), but it is generally used because its the most known one by the audience.

  18. Dang world :| Check out my blog comment and follow my fellow friend :)

  19. how can people not support capital punishment? I believe it should exist merely for people like this...

  20. That man is a true pedophile if I've ever seen one. Most of the time, the media labels ephebophiles (completely natural and morale sexual attraction) as pedophiles due to age laws. But this guy, a sick pedo.

  21. I hate pedos! Won't say anything more, 'cos I will only swear...

  22. pedo should just be executed there is no place for them on this planet

  23. I say we take a very large dildo with lots of bumps and bits, and shove it right up his ass.

  24. That's gross. Why the hell do people do that?

  25. That's actually scary... Holy :S
    Glad my coaches aren't like that LMAO.

  26. Disgusting really disgusting that people are alive who are this sick.

  27. Burn in Hell..!
    Paedophiles are even in in a Prison the garbage of the Society and have nothing to laugh.

  28. He didn't expect to be arrested hahahahahahahahahaa

  29. You reap what you sow. What an ass!
